~I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.
~Eartha Kitt
First day of March! And it's so beautiful outside! I didn't even need a jacket on campus! I'm pretty excited about being able to study outside and enjoy the warmth. Too bad I didn't have any of my homework with me today. And that I was starving. Or maybe I would have stayed on campus... and avoided walking by the voting table when there weren't other people to keep the representatives occupied. That was fun.
I love that we have devotionals at BYU. One of the highlights of my week! Today it was, in fact, kind of a slap in the face. But it was such a good talk. You know, I've always love the LDS atmosphere here. (I was going to say atmosphere in general, but that's not true. Some of the culture here is a bit extreme) But I hadn't realized how my classes don't seem all that much more religious. Ya, scripture references come up a lot. And there isn't any swearing. Alright, much swearing... thank you British Lit professor...
But the professor who spoke today talked about how he has a religious thought everyday sometime during class. It doesn't have anything to do with what they are talking about. But that would be so nice. I went through my classes in my head and the only one that I feel spiritually uplifted after is D&C-and, well, duh. I wish there was more of this.
But the part that was like a slap in the face was when he talked about not just making it through school. It shouldn't be like drudgery. We need to stop playing the system and cramming and regurgitating what we memorized. We are supposed to learn for eternity. Well, I do feel school is a drudgery. Even sitting in the Marriot Center listening the the talk I saw, a few rows in front of me, a girl sketching a picture of a little girl. And I felt this wave of... well, missing drawing. I miss drawing, photography, creative writing, all the fun classes that I don't have the money or time or credits for here.
I know, I need to do more of that on my own time, but I just don't enjoy my classes. I'm just not sure how to get excited about learning. I know not learning things well enough now will be bad in the future when I don't know what I'm doing in my career. Haha, or can't get a job because I don't know what I'm doing. And sometimes, when I think about it, it is amazing to be here. I should enjoy it and make the most of it. And to think I only have a year left... but doesn't everyone regret they way they spent their time in _______ (fill in the blank)? So really, I'm just living an essential life experience!!!
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