~The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.
~Edward R. Murrow
Anyone who knew me two years ago or read my blog in January knows that my family had CO poisoning. Since that event I haven't slept anywhere without a CO detector. I took one on our family vacation to California and the trip to Jackson Hole. Some places already have them, but I will always take one as well. When I moved away from home I took one and it's been on in my bedroom ever since.
Last night I woke up to an annoying beeping. It took me a while to figure out what it was. I am not a morning person and I hate my alarm. I am surprised I figured out it was my detector as quickly as I did. I climbed out of bed and grabbed it. I held it until it beeped again to make sure that's what it was. Then I pulled out one battery, set it on my desk, and crawled back into bed annoyed.
Smart, huh?
I heard a story of a woman who just turned hers off when it started beeping. I don't remember if it was at night or not. But I couldn't help but think how stupid. The very thing that is supposed to tell you if you have a deadly poisonous gas that you can't see, taste, or smell is in your house is not something to ignore.
I don't think it's so strange anymore.
Stupid maybe, but not strange.
I lay in bed trying to get back to sleep and my heart wouldn't calm down. It was beating like I was scared to death. My breathing was calm and everything else was normal. That's when I started to get scared. I didn't feel any symptoms when I was poisoned so I don't know what it would be like. So I crawled out of bed, grabbed my cell phone, the detector, and the battery I pulled out, and headed to the front room.
I read all the notes on the detector. From what I understood, if it beeps every thirty seconds it means the battery needs to be replaced. Makes sense-it's been running for 18 months. But I was really out of it before and I don't know exactly what it was doing. And there was no way I was going back to bed without assurance that I was safe.
Last week the batteries in my camera died. Haha, well, they were "exhausted" really. I put the extra ones that were in the case into the camera and figured I'd find my pack of batteries sometime. I should have had them out. Should have at least known where they were. So I headed back to my bedroom to search my stuff for batteries without waking my roommate up. I found them without too much trouble.
When you put the last battery in it makes a loud beep. Well, 5:45 am in an apartment with five sleeping girls, I was a little worried cuz I didn't want to wake anyone. But I did it quickly and waited until it read zero. I still had a hard time sleeping for about an hour, but then I was fine.
I know, I probably over-reacted for dead batteries, but it was worth it. I'm not going through that again.
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