~Language is the most imperfect and expensive means yet discovered for communicating thought.
~William James
Cleaning check-done.
Reading critical article-done.
Taking notes on article-done.
Making Power Point slide-done.
Emailing partner-done.
Reading 20 pages for American Lit... still to go...
But it's alright! It's a bright and happy Saturday :) I'm going to read for an hour and eat lunch and head home! And next week's biggest stress will be writing a "weirdness" paper for British Lit... oh my.
That teacher... she was not so kind about my last paper-which, I have to say, I wrote when I was sick and don't remember much of it. Oh, and the OED and the MED would not work for me. So ya, I did horribly. But she said she spends about three hours grading every paper.
Uh, really? Haha, I do not believe that. That paper was 2 1/2 pages! She's not far off saying it took her longer to read most of them than it did for us to write them. Who has 3 hours to read each paper. I don't know how many other classes she has but my goodness!
So I'm more than a little scared to write another paper. And I will be starting a week and a half early :) That's the goal anyway. Then maybe I can meet with her and she can tear it apart before hand and I'll piece it back together in time to turn it in!
I don't know how I got off on that subject... Anyway, happy day! Oh, and I'm gonna have to go buy more Starburst for my presentation... buying then five days in advance was not good when I like to snack while I do homework. Especially when I read. And yes, I'm an English major. I do a lot of reading :)
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