~It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
~Author Unknown
One month down!!! Four weeks of school-check! Haha, I know, it's still January, but still...
So, pretty proud of the fact that I've been home for four hours and I haven't watched any TV! Pa-the-tic. I know. Haha, and I can only check off, like, three things on my to do list :(
I've just realized the last two days how screwed I am next week. Why must everything happen on February 1st? I swear-scholarship deadline, paper due, French oral, French written (well, Monday and Tuesday-I'll be taking it Tuesday :), and a million other things, I'm sure. I need to sign for an apartment for this summer too. And declare my minor. And talk to my counselor so I know what to sign up for... along with all my normal homework. Oh! And I have an English Language test next week-and I'm lost doing the homework again-but it is easier this week, which just makes me think I'm really missing the point :)
Alright, my randomness for today...
I love lotion! It smells so good! Haha, it's hard to pick what scent I want most days cuz I have so many good ones :)
I am so glad we have regular spellings for words. Because reading my British Lit. homework is difficult. The same author will spell the same word differently each time. How does that make sense. I spend too much time trying to understand each word-can't focus on the overall piece of literature.
French sucks. Haha, I will always throw that in there. Actually knew what I was doing today though! I just dread next weeks tests.
Chocolate frosting is amazing! Unhealthy-yes. But it's my current chocolate resource. So it works :)
It hit me again the other day how amazing it is to me how many people show up to class everyday in college. How crowded campus can be. Ya, we're paying for it. But I could really miss half my classes and be just fine.
How I've missed having an MP3 Player! Mine stopped working long ago. I used my brother's when I worked full-time. And now I'm using it again-love it! I got to listen to my own music while studying on campus rather than the annoying people who talk really loud or the piano music from down the hall.
I'm ready for spring. I know, I'm a cold, rain, snow, winter person. But I want it to be light later. Want to study outside. Want to not have to bundle up everywhere I go.
And that's all I can think of now :) So there ya go.
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