~We live longer than our forefathers; but we suffer more from a thousand artificial anxieties and cares. They fatigued only the muscles, we exhaust the finer strength of the nerves.
~Edward George Bulwer-Lytton
Here I sit. One paragraph into my paper that's due tomorrow. But I feel pretty good as I've only been home a half hour and have tried to get that far for two weeks. Oh, and I haven't felt well since last night. Should've known. This will be the most stressful week of the semester so far... of course I'd get sick!
It's the last day of January! Not that I like February. Or that I'm looking forward to tomorrow and everything that's happening on the first. But I'm just excited that I'm 19 school days into the semester! Oh, and I don't like February cuz of Valentine's Day-stupid holiday. There shouldn't need to be a day to celebrate love. The candy is good though... hmm, I'll have to buy some gummy candy hearts...
I was thinking the other day that I can count on two hands the number of days I've had class at BYU and NOT had to go to French. Six days for oral tests last year. One day I sluffed. That is sad. Worst class of my college career-every single day. I was excited that next semester it won't be everyday... but then I looked it up for spring. Ya, it's only three days a week. It's two hours a day though... yuck!
Gotta go to Wal-Mart and hope I find a parking spot when I get back. That is the biggest stress of going somewhere-coming back. I miss having a sure spot at my parent's house. And I have to write this paper! Or I'll be up till three this morning... I look at my homework list for the week... haha, somehow everything else actually looks fun :)
Maybe I should start those things while they seem fun...