can't focus. Can't Focus. CAN'T FOCUS! Ya, that's about all I have to say. As I see it, I have no hope of feeling like I aced a test. I know that it's just a guessing game, a bs-ing opportunity, and that I will feel like crap the whole three hours.
...but, what does it matter? Haha, it's terrible but I just cannot get myself to care anymore. I haven't yet failed a class; somehow I manage to pass everything... I know, bad attitude-but that's alright. I'm mostly just worried about loosing my scholarship because of a bad GPA-that and an oral French proficiency test I have to take... ~sigh~ but it'll all be over in five days. Somehow.
(I'm not entirely sure where the picture is from but I think it's graphjam.com)
LOVING the graph. Yes. Yes, it's true.