~The bicycle, the bicycle surely, should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets.
~Christopher Morley
You're probably gonna hear me ramble a lot this semester-what with all the free time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Seriously! It's almost eleven and I'm still in my pjs. Though, I have been up for two hours and I've been working on homework :)
Today I must go grocery shopping. And do my laundry. Seems the underwear supply dictates my laundry schedule... I have to do all of tomorrows homework. And Monday's homework. Haha, and maybe even start on next Wednesday's. I get these spurts of motivation. I'll be in class or something and think how I'm going to go home and get everything done! But then I walk into my room and think how nice it would be to change into sweats and get on my computer-listen to music, journal, blog, Facebook, and watch TV. How sad! Not sure I can handle constant school for the next twelve months!
Coming back to my apartment to four new roommates was weird. Still not used to it. I miss my old roommates! Sad day. I think it wouldn't be as weird if I was in a different apartment. But being in the same place with different people is what is so weird. My old roommate finished finals yesterday and we went out for ice cream :) Fun fun.
I'm actually kind of enjoying my homework so far. I'm just worried about how much I have to remember. Like, I don't want to get too far without knowing what kinds of things the teacher is looking for for us to remember... if that makes sense. Like, I have a clean slate and I don't want to start off wrong.
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