~In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.
~Margaret Atwood
Today has been kind of a bad day. I am not about to share details as to why over the internet. But I will share what I did about, or in spite of, or because of it. I guess I kind of noticed, looking back, that when I get these seemingly random urges to clean are when I feel down in the dumps.
After I thought about that for a while it occurred to me that maybe I feel the need to control something. And throwing things out and organizing helps. And then I can go back and enjoy the fruits of such bad days in the cleanliness of my room!
So I got rid of two grocery sacks full of trash... where the heck did all that come from?! And I loaded up two boxes of things to take home because I don't need them here. And I figure all of this is good timing because cleaning check is this Saturday! Well, not that they really check. I swear our apartment will be just as messy the day after cleaning checks as before-and not cuz we mess it up quickly.
Also, I have a close parking spot! Right behind the building-not even in the parking lot across the street! Which is crazy, cuz I didn't get home until midnight last night. I'd pretty much given up on getting a parking spot even remotely close that late at night. I'm kind of glad I at least looked in the lot-I almost didn't.
Oh, and I decided to sluff French this morning! Just had to put that in here. Because it's probably the last time this semester and it makes me happy! Last week I only sluffed one class... this week it's two so far. *sigh* it's that close to the end of the semester...
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