~I hate cameras. They are so much more sure than I am about everything.~John SteinbeckFor the record, I don't hate cameras-I just thought this was a very interesting quote and a different way to look at pictures :)
So, I'm working on remembering to use my camera. I never seem to have it when I could get a good picture. That, and I feel weird walking around taking pictures or trying to get people to pose for me. So, here are my attempts in the last week or so at taking more pictures :)

So, Bronwen got shots on Friday :( She slept a lot on Saturday and this is probably my favorite picture-she looks so comfortable :)

Sometimes when Mom is gone, Bronwen won't do anything but sit on the couch and wait for her. This is from one day we thought she would be home soon... under that pink blanket, ya, that's Boz's head :)

Bronwen likes the dogs next door. She'll go to one part of the fence, bark or just look through the cracks, and race to another part of the fence and do the same thing. It's pretty cute :)

This is Bronwen's favorite toy :)

Biege, Boz, and I were sitting on the couch and took a ton of silly pictures. This is one of the most normal looking ones :)

This is one where we were ALL being silly.

We were outside-for some reason-and Boz and I found this pile of ants. (what do you call a bunch of ants? Swarm? Gaggle? Gang? Herd? Haha, idk)
Boz took my camera and got some pretty cool pictures. This is one of my favorites :)
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